Did you know that over 40% of math questions on the Entrance Exam involve algebra, geometry or probability/statistics? Our Advanced Integrated Math for 8th Graders can help put you in a great position for success in these areas!
What is Integrated Math and how does it differ from traditional math sequencing?
- The integrated approach is a sequence of courses, each of which includes Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics/Probability. The theory of Integrated Math is that, in the real world, problems do not come under a specific label of Algebra, Geometry, Statistics/Probability. By using an “integrated” approach, students can decide what skills to utilize to solve a particular problem, no matter what the content area. Students can use a combination of skills from Algebra, Geometry, and Probability/Statistics, depending on their analysis and approach to solving a problem. Mathematics at St. Laurence aims to equip all students with the knowledge, understanding, and intellectual capabilities to address further courses in mathematics, as well as prepare students to use mathematics in the workplace and their everyday life. This corresponds with the overall philosophy of St. Laurence’s International Baccalaureate Program.
What are the benefits of taking this class at St. Laurence High School?
- Provides an opportunity to begin high school in Integrated Math II and the potential to take more Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Dual Credit math courses
- Students will take the course virtually from the convenience of their own home
- The class will be taught live by a St. Laurence math teacher with extensive experience in remote learning
8th Grade Integrated Math Class FAQs:
When does the class take place?
- The course will be taught via remote learning from 7:05-7:45am Monday-Friday
- Days off and holidays will follow the St. Laurence school calendar
What is the cost of the class?
- $350 for the class
- Students must also purchase a Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator (or higher version), and while the initial cost for this calculator may seem high, this will be a calculator that students use throughout all of their high school math classes, during college placement tests, as well as in college-level math courses.
Important Dates:
- Application Process
- Fill out this form to register
- The following information emailed to vikings@stlaurence.com by March 21st:
- Most Recent Report Card
- Letter of Recommendation from 7th Grade Math Teacher
- Zoom Informational Sessions for Students & Parents - Thursday, February 27th at 7 p.m.
- The Zoom Link will be shared with the parent email address in the registration link.
- Required Placement Test
- IN PERSON - Tuesday, March 11th at 6 PM
- ONLINE - Thursday, March 13th at 6 PM
- Students must take one of these exams and receive a certain percentage to be accepted into this class. These dates will be announced in the coming weeks.
- The Letter of Recommendation and Report Card must be submitted by Friday, March 21st.
- Notification of Acceptance - April 11th